November 1, 2024
Great joy comes from being in the Lord’s service! You and I get to be messengers of hope and peace, of wholeness and life. The King of the universe knows us by name! We get to call him “Father.” With your help, SonSet Solutions faithfully served the needs of workers in God’s harvest fields throughout 2024. We equipped them with technology-based tools and services that enabled them to overcome barriers and reach more people with God’s powerful word. In return, we were flooded with stories of transformed lives. People were reconciled to God. Churches were established. Believers were discipled. More workers for the harvest joined in the Lord’s service.
Your dependable prayers and enthusiastic giving helped make it possible for us to focus on the global opportunities before us. Through a multitude of joyful givers, great progress was made toward our contribution income goal of $700,000 in 2024. Both our November and our December matching gift goals have been met and exceeded. Our desire now is to finish the year on a solid financial note and launch into 2025 with strong momentum. I invite you to participate with us in our year-end campaign to provide the remaining funds that are needed. Thank you for considering what role the Lord may have you play in this special opportunity.
Joyfully serving the Lord of the Harvest with you,
David L. Russell, President

we can reach the lost.
For information about giving by mail or phone, click here.