Technical Service Opportunities

Software Developer
Use your software design and development skills to create tools that advance the gospel around the world. Apply your experience in systems analysis, coding and software support to implement embedded, database and web app solutions that aid our partners in the fulfillment of the great commission. Work with our core ministry teams to provide robust data management systems that complement our hardware implementations.

Electrical Engineer
Use your electrical engineering skills to create technology solutions that advance the gospel around the world. Design and develop innovative tools that facilitate the communication of the gospel in diverse geographical settings and ministry frameworks. Work with our core technology teams to envision and implement appropriate electronic systems to meet the needs of our partners.

IT Team Leader
Use your leadership experience and Information Technology (IT) skills to equip the SonSet Solutions team with the networking tools necessary to advance the gospel around the world. Provide technology platforms that enable our team to efficiently communicate with each other and with ministry partners worldwide. Oversee the creation and operation of our networking infrastructure, lead the IT team, and manage IT policies, equipment and system administration.
Creative Service Opportunities

Digital Media Specialist
Use your media skills and creativity to motivate and inspire people by showing how God is utilizing our technology solutions to advance the gospel around the world. Tell great stories that highlight God’s faithfulness in changing lives for His glory. Produce video content alongside our communications team that sparks enthusiasm within believers to spread the gospel locally and globally.

Public Relations Specialist
Use your communication and storytelling skills to reveal what God is doing to advance the gospel around the world. Create opportunities which inspire the public to become involved with SonSet Solutions and God’s call to fulfill the great commission. Work as part of our Connections Team to develop print, digital and verbal communication pieces that highlight the work of SonSet Solutions and our partners.

Funding Development Specialist
Use your networking and relationship building skills to inspire friends and supporters of SonSet Solutions to participate in the advancement of the gospel around the world. Create and strengthen the bond between our friends and the organization to deepen their involvement in fulfilling the great commission. Work with our funding development team to kindle a desire in others to partner with SonSet Solutions through prayer and financial giving.
Core Services Opportunities

College Liaison
Use your leadership experience, communication skills and passion for mentoring to help college students become actively engaged in advancing the gospel around the world. Develop and implement strategies that guide them toward service opportunities at SonSet Solutions that use their unique skills and experience. Lead our mobilization efforts that will teach, inspire, and involve college students and recent graduates in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Mobilization Specialist
Use your relational and communication skills with your passion for mentoring to help people become actively engaged in advancing the gospel around the world. Implement strategies that guide people toward service opportunities at SonSet Solutions that use their unique skills and experience. Take part in our mobilization efforts that will teach, inspire, and involve believers in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Human Resources Manager
Use your interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills to lead our Human Resources (HR) department and help our staff advance the gospel around the world. Plan and manage all activities of the HR Team so that our staff is well positioned for effective and fulfilling engagement in the great commission. Lead efforts to motivate, develop, and evaluate our staff, ensuring that everyone in the organization reaches their full potential.
Discover how YOU can have a vital role in Kingdom work with SonSet Solutions.
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Have further questions? Need more info? Click the "Questions" link to email us for answers. Or, call us at (574) 970-4252.

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We would be glad to answer any questions you have about joining our team at SonSet Solutions.
Please fill out the contact form, and we will get back to you.