Innovating Beyond Barriers

Barriers to effective ministry come in all shapes and sizes. One of our goals at SonSet Solutions is to help address the barriers faced by ministries around the world through technology-based solutions. These barriers exist not only with our ministry partners but also within SonSet Solutions itself.

David Palmer, one of our engineers, has experienced this firsthand with an old CNC machine that we use to manufacture radio antennas and other parts. David has spent hundreds of hours learning to use and frequently repairing this old machine.

Recently, however, SonSet Solutions was able to purchase a HAAS CNC machine, which has been a massive upgrade in ease of use and variety of parts that can be machined, as well as significantly reducing required maintenance.

Another tool we have recently acquired is a laser 3D printer, which was generously donated to us by Vertech, a company whose mission is to elevate human well-being through automation. In a recent Vertech blog post, they wrote, “When Vertech President Titus Crabb visited Tanzania with his church last year, he became acutely aware of the need for clean, accessible water in the region. Once he discovered what SonSet Solutions was accomplishing in the area, he knew he wanted to help further their cause.”

Until Vertech’s generous gift, we had no way to prototype complex, non-machinable parts in-house, which was a barrier that limited how effectively we could develop solutions and required extra time and cost to outsource this work. Now, we have the ability, in-house, to produce high-quality parts for prototyping new technology as well as small-scale production of components like covers for our SonSetLink® water monitors. 

Both the HAAS and the 3D printer have greatly increased our ability to develop better solutions more quickly and at a lower cost. Because of these tools and the generosity of Vertech, barriers are being removed at SonSet Solutions, allowing us to address the challenges of our ministry partners more effectively with innovative solutions!

By Bryan Jackson, July 2024

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