We were encouraged to read the following from one of our partners on Facebook:
Visited our Solar Project with one of the Woman’s Groups. They are currently using solar power to charge cell phones in a very, very remote area. So proud of these ladies. The project is up, running and making a profit in its first month! They have an awesome vision to use the profit to serve the needy in their community. We are praying with them as they look for ways [to] grow their business and serve others! They even charged one of our cell phones!
Led by a pastor’s wife, this women’s group in a very remote area of Malawi is using a solar cell phone charging station to raise money to assist the people of their community. Each month, the ladies meet together to decide how to best distribute the profits. In this way, they are able to help support their pastor and to provide sustenance for needy village families and assist with medical expenses.
Hope Endeavors, partnering with SonSet Solutions, was able to supply the women with the equipment to begin their work. Now, the ladies are reporting that they have been able to assist members of the community by purchasing food and medicine when needed. This has sparked other ideas for generating funds as the entrepreneurs see what can be done within their local villages to earn money and help others in the name of Jesus.
Hope Endeavors is a partner ministry that aligns itself with national believers who are already doing the work of the gospel but are in need of resources and encouragement. They engage in strategies that not only address the immediate spiritual and physical need but focus on breaking the cycle of hopelessness.
Written by Barb Anderson