There’s a fire burning deep in the heart of the tropical Peruvian Amazon. What started this fire? God’s Word! The pastor and director of Radio Logos, Jairo Sangama, says, “The Achuar and Quechua believers are experiencing a revival these days!”
In the early spring of 2017, Radio Logos received 540 SonSet® radios that were distributed to many Achuar and Huampis tribes living in the jungle areas. The people were so happy to receive these radios and hear God’s Word in their own language, but a couple of months after these radios were distributed, there was sudden silence! Radio Logos had gone off the air and could no longer be heard.
Radio Logos contacted SonSet Solutions, their long-time ministry partner. With Ray Rising of Wycliffe Bible Translators serving as intermediary translator, missionary engineer Mike Axman spent several days troubleshooting from his office at SonSet Solutions with a Peruvian at the station in Peru. Mike discovered that it was one of the four dipoles in the antenna array that had a problem. His help enabled Radio Logos to get back on the air and resume their broadcasts. A couple of months later there was silence again. Mike was contacted and helped them fix the problem with a burned connection in the transmitter’s power supply. Power was restored, and the gospel could once again be heard. We thank God that we have been able to partner with this station in so many ways, not only by providing SonSet radio receivers, but also technical support and equipment.
Pastor Jairo says, “The church continues to grow and Radio Logos is nourishing them and encouraging them in their Christian life.” However, Radio Logos would like to distribute more SonSet radios to people that need them.
SonSet Solutions President and CEO David Russell says, “Praise the Lord with me for the revival that is underway. Pray that we will be able to provide more SonSet radios to people living in remote communities.” Please pray for Radio Logos as they preach God’s word – that the fire of this revival would spread throughout this region and beyond.
Written by Ruth Weber