Something Tangible

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). But what does this testimony look like? In what practical ways can the gospel be proclaimed?

Unreached People’s Mission (UPM) in Tanzania, founded by Pastor Williams Yindi on this very verse, offers a vivid example. From church planting to education to water pumps, UPM is committed to preaching the gospel in deeds, not just words.

SonSet Solutions has had the opportunity to build a partnership with UPM through a couple of different trips to Tanzania, one of which was to help install solar ministry toolkits at four of their remote bush churches.

In a recent visit to SonSet Solutions, Williams Yindi shared the heart behind UPM’s holistic practical ministry: “[Many] don’t love Christ because they don’t see something tangible. So if something is done that touches their lives … it can bring something very powerful … It is a way to win the trust of many people because you show love in deeds by putting something touching in the community.”

Williams went on to share about the Hatzabe, Tanzania’s most unreached people group, who are nomadic and communicate using clicking sounds. When Williams visited this isolated people, he gave them clothing as a part of his Christian witness, and in turn, found them to be very receptive to his message.   

Whether it’s clothing, solar panels, water pumps, education, or our Solar Ministry Toolkits, UPM is passionate about showing the love of Christ through tangible resources, opening the door to sharing the Good News.

This is the same passion that drives us here at SonSet Solutions as we utilize technology to come alongside partners like UPM and reach people with something tangible, so that the gospel of the kingdom would be proclaimed to all nations!

By Bryan Jackson, October 2024

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