A Guiding Voice

It was a hot, dusty road. All she could think of was getting to her destination. The rope in her hand reminded her how badly she wanted it all to end. She just couldn’t do this anymore. Then, suddenly, she found herself hearing a voice that led her into a radio station, Radio Évangile Développement (RED). With the help of SonSet Solutions, this ministry started 30 years ago in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. It began as the first Christian radio station in the country. Today, RED has eight stations in different parts of the country that broadcast in 25 languages and has an audience of almost 3 million listeners.

The voice that she heard that day was God’s voice, telling her to walk through the property of RED. She couldn’t resist. He was speaking to her heart. She found a pastor at the radio station and confessed to him that she was fed up with life and was going to commit suicide with the rope in her hand. Several people surrounded her and prayed for her. God released her from her bondage to sin and saved her soul that day. Today, she is a transformed woman and once again lives peacefully with her family. 

Étienne Kiemdé, our partner with RED, told us this story on a recent visit to SonSet Solutions. He praises God for the way He is moving in Burkina Faso as He transforms lives and answers prayer. This lady is one example of a life that didn’t find hope in a rope, but her hope was found in Jesus whose voice guided her to the gates of this station and transformed her as she gave her life to Him.

By Ruth Weber, July 2023

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