Baird, Ethan

  • Ministry Support Level


Ethan Baird is completing his junior year studying electrical engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He comes from Parker, Colorado, and enjoys the outdoors. Ethan wants to serve as a summer intern with SonSet Solutions to engage in technical work that advances the gospel worldwide. It also gives him a unique opportunity to pursue on-the-job spiritual and professional growth, while working in a missions context. Ethan will assist with the research and development of equipment and solutions to meet the real-world needs of our ministry partners.

He shares that, “I really want to find an opportunity where I can serve God and others through the skills God has given to me in electrical engineering. I have always thought it would be great to help impoverished communities through providing / maintaining electrical power systems. Many of my friends have said how much their faith has grown through mission sponsored trips, and I want to experience this for myself. SonSet Solutions seems to provide a unique experience that builds both career and spiritual strength, which is something I definitely want to be a part of.”

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