He Offered His Hands

Eyes brimming with tears and his face shining with genuine sincerity, he said, “I can work with my hands.” These were the words of Scott Kocher, volunteer at SonSet Solutions. He has, indeed, brought those very hands to work here. Scott reports, “I empty waste baskets, clean, do maintenance and have even gotten involved in assembling SonSetLink™ water monitors.” His love for God has given him a desire to help wherever needed.

Scott’s story here began when his son suggested a tour of SonSet Solutions. Overwhelmed by the intricacy of the work he observed and the technical precision and overall ministry, he asked himself, “What could I do to be part of this work?” He offered his hands; God answered.

Scott said, “My father was a man of few words, but he taught me to work.” Another person whose impact Scott cited was his mother-in-law who had come to America from Switzerland. Again tears started as he shared, “She didn’t know English, but knew the language of prayer. Faithfully, she prayed for her husband to know the Lord. He did eventually become a believer and pastor. She carried a love for God and a positive attitude throughout her life.”

Rich West, Scott’s supervisor at SonSet Solutions, reports, “Scott is someone who has a servant’s attitude – with a joyful heart, he is willing to pick up and clean up after others. This is a very rare, Christ-like quality.”

“Seek the Lord” is Scott’s word of advice to any young person. As Scott has taken these words to heart in his own life, the hand of God has certainly led him to a meaningful place of service – to work with his hands.

Written by Barb Stahly

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