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Real-World Problems Demand Hands-On Solutions

SonSet Solutions is seeking people who are deeply committed to Christ and passionate about making an impact for God’s kingdom. We need a team with diverse skills to advance the gospel worldwide — engineers, writers, software developers, media producers, and more. Our internships are hands-on and a unique opportunity to pursue on-the-job spiritual and professional growth while serving in a missions context. Join us to use your knowledge and experience to solve today’s ministry challenges and help ministries around the world.

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Our Internships in a Nutshell-1

An internship at SonSet Solutions is typically ten to twelve weeks in duration, usually during, but not limited to, the summer months. You will work side by side with staff at our facilities in Elkhart, Indiana, and experience one-on-one mentoring. You must be an active follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Although our internships are unpaid, you will receive room and board and a weekly stipend. Prior to starting your internship, we will guide and assist you as you raise the prayer and financial support needed for your service with us. 

What Opportunities...

Click on your area of interest

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So what's my next step-1

Have further questions? Need more info? Click the link below to start the conversation and tell us more about yourself!

For summer 2025:

  • Early application window opens September 1, 2024 and closes November 30, 2024.
  • Final application deadline is February 28, 2025.

See the Impact

Interning with a Purpose

Grow your skills and faith with SonSet Solutions! Hear from interns about their transformative experiences.


From Senior Design to the Ends of the Earth

When Josh Radcliffe and his two senior design partners started working on designing a fixed-tuned radio, they never could have imagined the impact this radio — the size of a cellphone — could have worldwide.


An Experience That Changed My View

When I first heard about SonSet Solutions, I had no idea there was an organization that uses technology-based solutions to advance the gospel worldwide.

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