Mission Possible

“Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to offer hope to the world’s 114 million refugees in 135 countries.”

Despite the abundance of technical and political challenges, Don McLaughlin of High Adventure Gospel Communications Ministry (HAGCM) has accepted the clarion call by establishing a number of strategically placed radio stations in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Zambia.

Why radio? While it may be competing with podcasts and playlists here in America, it is thriving in the refugee camps, where people are short on things, but long on time.

In cooperation with HAGCM, SonSet Solutions has supplied thousands of solar-powered SonSet® radios to the various refugee camps where hope is realized on many levels:

  1. In some areas, government education is offered for four hours a day over the refugee radio station, keeping the children current in their lessons.
  2. Government officials are able to make announcements pertaining to all (or portions) of the refugees. In one instance, a violent tribal rivalry was averted within a day, thanks to government intervention via radio.
  3. Most importantly, individuals are hearing the gospel proclaimed. As they respond in faith and repentance, churches are formed, and disciples made under the care of national pastors living among the refugees. Not surprisingly, these listeners’ spiritual eyes are opened to biblical ways of thinking and operating.

Plenty of obstacles continually present themselves (e.g., worn-out generators, broken transmission lines, and customs’ holdings); however, the hope realized in the lives of listeners makes the effort infinitely worth the cost—and, the mission possible.

By Jan Wismer, June 2024

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