Renewable Energy – Renewed Lives

In a feat of international collaboration and engineering skill, Leon Amstutz and Rick Brubacher, solar engineering consultants from SonSet Solutions, embarked on a journey to Liberia in June 2024.

Their mission was to install a state-of-the-art solar energy array at the Samuel Morris Center (SMC) building which serves as the headquarters for Innovative Education International (IEI), a partner ministry dedicated to the education and mentoring of youth in Liberia.

Upon arrival, they found that the Liberian staff had already laid the groundwork, quite literally, by installing the concrete foundation and vertical support posts for the solar array.  Leon and Rick completed the support structure, then installed 24 large solar panels, four heavy lithium batteries, and two 5 KW inverters within the SMC.

Much of the existing electrical wiring had to be redone, and they resolved various connectivity and compatibility issues with the new equipment. After completing the final testing and configuration, Leon and Rick trained the Liberian staff, empowering them with the knowledge to maintain the new solar energy system effectively.

The impact of their work is already being felt throughout the community. Reports from the staff indicate that the solar energy generated is more than sufficient to power the entire building day and night, a significant achievement especially during the rainy season. This reliable source of energy has enabled IEI to conduct a wide range of activities, including computer-based learning, tutoring, sewing classes, musical choir rehearsals, and community devotions and Bible studies, all within the SMC. The success of this project stands as a testament to the power of renewable energy and the difference it can make in the lives of communities around the world.

By Leon Amstutz, September 2024

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