The Gospel for Youth – by Youth

How does a long-established ministry stay relevant when its focus is on reaching youth? Since its inception in 1991, Radio Kahuzi, based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), has valued youth-led initiatives to increase opportunities for all youth to hear about the Lord Jesus. They have focused on engaging, educating, and empowering the next generation of children by teaching them using FM and shortwave programming, which includes gospel music, Bible teaching, rural development programming, and radio clubs.

Now, youth who were educated and blessed through these ministries are using their education and experience to benefit and expand the ministry of Radio Kahuzi beyond the DRC. They are developing a website to promote the pursuit of “righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace.” This website will include radio, podcasts, a youth-sharing platform, a think tank, and blogs in English, French, and Swahili. They are well-versed in technology as they frequently assist with their Christian school’s online technical team by designing graphics and videos, writing content for the school newsletter, and teaching themselves how to build website pages.

How is SonSet Solutions involved with Radio Kahuzi? In 1991, Richard and Kathy McDonald, of Believer’s Express Service, completed their training at SonSet Solutions and returned to Bukavu with the FM “transmitter in a suitcase.” On December 24, 1992, they began broadcasting. Since then, SonSet Solutions engineers have continued to provide technical assistance for the station.

Even in a country devastated by war, God’s good news continues to spread through FM and shortwave radio broadcasting. Soon, via the Internet, youth-led podcasting and live streaming will increase the broadcast range of the gospel to youth in the DRC and neighboring countries.

By Sandy Shortt, June 2024

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