Unprecedented Opportunities
They say, “You should never retire ‘from something.’ Rather, you should retire ‘to something.’”
As disciples of Jesus Christ, you and I do not have to worry about what we will retire to. Sure, we will eventually step away from gainful employment. But God will still have plenty for us to do, just as he does right now. We are ultimately serving him as we journey through life. You and I have the amazing privilege of joining Almighty God in what he is doing.
God is using SonSet Solutions to deliver his word to people with limited access. Churches are being established. Fruitful disciples are being raised up. Throughout 2021 we have experienced unprecedented opportunities to equip hundreds of ministry workers in dozens of countries with technology-based tools and services.
It’s a fact that God usually provides for his work by way of his children. The Lord’s work is a family matter. This year, many of God’s kids have invested generously in what he is doing through SonSet Solutions, and we have experienced an outpouring of financial support. This has enabled us to accomplish more than we could have imagined. With you, we have truly abounded in the Lord’s work! (1 Cor 15:58)
Early in the year I presented you with our contribution income goal of $525,000. I pledged to steward those gifts wisely. However, it is clear that God planned much more for us to do than we anticipated! As a result, we have increased our goal to reflect what the Lord is already doing this year. So, I invite you to join me during November and December as we push forward toward a revised donation goal of $650,000.
Thank you to the many generous financial partners who made it possible for us to meet our year-end campaign goal before the end of December. Additional funds given for the campaign will now be directed towards funding SonSet radios for our ministry partners in 2022. Thank you for your generous giving. With your help, we are truly abounding in the Lord's work!
Thank you for playing an active role in the Lord’s work. You are a wonderful blessing!
With a grateful heart,
David L Russell, President
For information about giving by mail or phone, click here.