Impact Stories

Three Students – One Purpose

Three different students from three different universities with three different majors. So what could the three of us have in common?
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Solving the Right Problems

If we just made the first thing someone asked for, without taking time to understand the root issue, we may not actually help them at all. Our goal is not to sell a product, but to help ministries advance the gospel.
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Solving Power Problems

Through projects like the Power Protection Unit and the Power Quality Monitor, SonSet Solutions is helping our partners remain on the air, broadcasting the gospel to all who will listen!
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Empowering our Partners

Years ago, one of our SonSet Solutions technicians took a trip to help partner ministries in the Asia-Pacific Region of the world. When he arrived, there were twenty-two radio transmitters in need of repair.
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A Sabbatical with Purpose

I chose SonSet Solutions because I wanted to get more experience in contemporary engineering practice and appreciated that the work could directly help gospel-focused ministries around the globe.
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In the Heart of the Jungle

It was a shrinking feeling riding a narrow wooden boat down a winding river with dense jungle on either side. I saw a couple of crocodiles lying on the riverbank and heard the distant yowl of a howler monkey.
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A Third of Us

There are 3,000,000,000 people who have seldom, if ever, heard the name of Jesus. SonSet Solutions is part of an initiative called “A Third of Us.”
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Reaching the Inaccessible

“How will these refugees be reached with the gospel of peace and hope in Jesus Christ?” This was the question posed to our Broadcast Solutions Team by one of the leaders of ACROSS, a ministry based in South Sudan.
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Sometimes We Drink It Straight!

Think of serving mud water to friends who come to your door at 1:30 in the morning to mourn with you the sudden passing of a loved one.
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