Impact Stories

Power to Demolish Strongholds

A shipment of 800 radios was sent to Rwanda in July of 2023 and has been held in customs since it arrived despite supplying multiple copies of documents.
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From Senior Design to the Ends of the Earth

When Josh Radcliffe and his two senior design partners started working on designing a fixed-tuned radio, they never could have imagined the impact this radio — the size of a cellphone — could have worldwide.
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Generosity in a Time of Great Need

John grew up with one functioning leg having had polio as a child. Despite this limitation, he was determined to go to medical school.
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An Experience That Changed My View

When I first heard about SonSet Solutions, I had no idea there was an organization that uses technology-based solutions to advance the gospel worldwide.
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Speeding the Lord’s Return

Artificial Intelligence. The very words can strike fear into our hearts. Big tech CEOs are warning governments about the need for regulation. These are uncharted waters – even they don’t know where Artificial Intelligence (AI) will lead.
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Church Under a Tree

One Sunday morning the man showed up at the gate with his family members for a radio church service. Since there was no church building, they sat under a tree.
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A Guiding Voice

It was a hot, dusty road. All she could think of was getting to her destination. The rope in her hand reminded her how badly she wanted it all to end. She just couldn’t do this anymore.
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Great Distress – Greater Hope

Death, destruction, uncertainty, floods, food insecurity, bitter-cold winter days, missiles exploding in the night, electricity a “sometimes thing.” These words describe daily life in much of the country of Ukraine.
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An Outcast No More

Can you imagine being rejected by your family and thrown out of your village because of something horrible that happened to you? These young women are labeled and thrown out of their village.
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