Impact Stories

From Elkhart to Guam

Who does a radio station on the island of Guam call when they need custom-made parts? Why, of course, their friends at SonSet Solutions!
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Celebrating Our 100,000th Radio

The SonSet radio has gone through several upgrades and now features AM, FM and shortwave reception. This past December, our 100,000th SonSet radio was part of an order shipped to a security-sensitive country in West Africa.
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God’s Perfect Timing

The year 2023 was a very difficult time for the country of Burkina Faso as militant religious groups caused the displacement of over two million people. However, God had a plan.
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A Strong Tower Once Again

The radio tower, located in Tuba City, Arizona, was in desperate need of repair. Many cubic yards of concrete were poured into three 9-foot-long by 4-foot-wide by 6-foot-deep holes dug into the earth to secure the anchors.
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Expertise to Keep Ministries Going

In 2004, a forum of African Christian broadcasters met in Burkina Faso to find out how they could work together to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ across their continent. As a result of this meeting, Africa by Radio (AbR) was born.
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A Doctor and a Soccer Game

Surrounded by refugees and internally displaced people groups, eight-year-old Janvier and his friends loved playing soccer. One evening, the ball was kicked out of the play area.
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Eager Ears

In rural Papua New Guinea (PNG) people must arduously venture through the expansive and untamed wilderness to find even basic healthcare facilities.
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Clean From the Inside Out

What if you woke up one day, turned on the water in your home, and it was dirty or contaminated -- unfit to drink?
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Radio Light Shines Bright!

Friday nights in Fiji—what comes to mind? Perhaps tourists gathering after enjoying sunny beaches and tropical breezes
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